Omega 7 fatty acids are generally quite rare. They are not found in non-fat foods and are considered a natural, healthy form of trans-fat. Although they are non-essential, they have many health benefits that are coming to light. Omega 7 is emerging as the new and exciting fatty acid and many health care manufacturers are adding ingredients containing it their products. The main known sources of Omega 7 are:
Sea Buckthorn (High)
The best vegetarian or plant source of Omega 7 fatty acids is sea buckthorn berries. They are the richest plant source of Omega 7 and contain many other health promoting nutrients. Sea buckthorn is an emerging super fruit that has found placement on the Dr. Oz show several times over the last few years. The fruit’s oil is being used by manufacturers of nutritional supplements and especially skin care products because of it’s high content of Omega 7.
Dairy (Low)
Dairy products contain Omega 7 fatty acids like vaccenic (which means “cow”). Only dairy products made with whole milk or at least 2 percent will contain Omega 7. They can be found in liquid milk, cheese, and yogurt. While dairy can contain Omega 7 it’s rather sparse and not a significant source of the fat.
Macademia Nuts (Low-Med)
Macademia nuts are rich in palmitoleic acid (Omega 7) albeit not near as high as sea buckthorn oil. They also lack the many nutrients and benefits sea buckthorn provides. That being said as a nut they have a higher quantity of protein and fiber which is also good for the body.
Fish (Low)
Fish contain very low levels of Omega 7 fatty acids. They are a richer source of Omega 3’s and are better utilized for extracting that fatty acid. Taking fish oil for Omega 7’s is doable but not ideal. You won’t get very much of the fatty acid and will ingest a lot of other fatty acids in the process. Overdoing Omega 3, an EFA fish oil has potent stores of ,can thin your blood and reduce it’s ability to clot. This can have nasty consequences in the wake of a cut or injury.
If you’re looking for a potent source of Omega 7 fatty acids there is no better choice than high quality sea buckthorn oil. The amount of Omega 7 found in this oil varies from region to region and throughout the various strains growing naturally. Check with your manufacturer and make sure their Omega 7 content is at least 30%. Some brands will add whatever sea buckthorn they can get their hands on into their products and supplements. Others go out of their way to 3rd party test and ensure every batch of oil they use meets their Omega 7 content standards.
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